Jun 22, 2020
Does anyone else feel like it's the wild west out there right now? Some of us have already reopened, some of us are waiting to do so, and whether you've been in the salon and spa business for a few years or a few decades... this is new.
So to me, that means it's the perfect time to sit and chat with you about balance...
May 25, 2020
Listen. There's so much noise and heaviness lately, so much second-guessing and uncertainty, that this week? I just need to have some real talk. Real talk about finding our own lane and staying in it. Real talk about showing (back) up authentically, on brand, and with your culture intact.
Grab a coffee (or a glass of...
May 11, 2020
Well, here we are, Shutdown Week... Seven? Eight?
Confession: I've completely lost track. And from what I've heard from some of you, I'm definitely not alone. Things are changing at warp speed, and the world looks completely different from when we close our eyes at night to when we wake up in the morning.
With all that...
Apr 27, 2020
Welcome back everyone! This week, I'm sharing my very first interview with the wise and wonderful Emillee Fernandes. Emillee is the owner of Jem Glamorganic Spa up in Canada, and the Dean and Founder of Jam Aesthetics Academy.
Emillee and I went deep on fear of the unknown, the p-word (pivot), and a collective energy...
Apr 13, 2020
Welcome to the very first episode of Salon and Spa Coffee Talk! To kick things off, I want to tell you a little bit about some of the struggles I've had to overcome during my 20+ years in the beauty industry. I don't just mean running out of high-demand products or clean towels — I mean the big,...